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Monday, 21 December 2009

Why are skills important?

Simon Bartley, CEO of UK Skills explains why vocational skills are important:

Hello, I’m Simon Bartley, CEO of UK Skills, of which WorldSkills London 2011 is a wholly owned subsidiary. In this post, I want to take the opportunity to explain why we are so passionate about skills here at 36 Queen Street.

Both national and international skills competitions offer significant benefits to all those involved. They develop young people’s confidence, as Oliver Clack, who represented the UK in Stonemasonry at WorldSkills Calgary 2009 explains“It is an honour to be among the top in the UK. The thought of it makes me so proud of myself.”

They also encourage young people to develop their skill base and therefore prepare them for future employment. These benefits are even more apparent in difficult economic times like today, when a highly skilled workforce is essential to compete in the global market place.

Through skills competitions, we can work together to lift standards of training and performance, promoting world class skills and international competitiveness. Faced with continued economic uncertainty, it is essential we don't give up on training and keep encouraging new talent. It's competitions like WorldSkills that already are and can continue to help us achieve this.

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