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Monday, 11 January 2010

The WorldSkills Experience by Past Competitor, Harry Smith

For me the WorldSkills experience was an unforgettable one that started back in 2005. After winning the gold award for the WorldSkills UK national competition, I was introduced to WorldSkills and told of the opportunity to represent the UK on the world stage. It struck me what a fantastic and unique opportunity this was, I decided that day that I had be a part of it!

It took a couple of years of tough training and several competitions to get my skills up to scratch for WorldSkills. Throughout my training and development, my confidence grew along with my ability and I started to believe I could win a medal.

Arriving at the competition site for first time, I realised what an epic event WorldSkills was; the competition area was massive and the crowds just as big. However, my nerves settled as I started the competition and I got on with the job at hand.

Outside of the competition time I had an opportunity to see the whole site and all the other skills in action. It was awe-inspiring! The exceptional quality of work being demonstrated was inspirational and as a competitor, I wonder what the visitors must have thought!

Once the competition was over, it was time for the Closing Ceremony and just like the Opening Ceremony, it was a fantastic event and a celebration of everyone’s achievements. Throughout the ceremony, I had no idea of how I had done, but then they announced the result; I had won the silver medal! It was unbelievable; standing on the podium with the union jack over my back receiving my medal is the greatest moment of my life!

I don’t think WorldSkills is just about the medals though, competing at the event and being part of Team UK was reward enough for me. For me, it’s a celebration of vocational skills and an inspirational event for visitors, I’m proud to continue being a part of it.

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